Coming Off The Pill Part 5: Lifestyle + Testing

Coming Off the Pill Part 5: Lifestyle

Address Lifestyle Factors + Testing 

We often address diet + supplements but forget to consider other factors that could be contributing to hormone health like stress + movement! While on the pill, your body has been instructed to shut down all its natural processes. It takes time for the systems in you body to begin communicating again, so it’s important to provide it with all the support it needs during this transition!

This means….

  • Managing stress: 

    • Prolonged periods of stress can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and infertility in women. Stress can also impact estrogen production.

      • Schedule time daily to relax & unwind. This could look like going for a walk, spending time in nature, journaling, reading a book etc.

  • Getting enough sleep:

    • Hormonal changes can wreak havoc on sleep. In turn, sleep deprivation can negatively impact hormone levels!

      • Turn off all screens 30 minutes before going to bed. Create an evening routine and stick with it nightly! Consistency breeds results.

  • Engaging in regular movement: 

    • Gentle exercise helps to produce neurotransmitters like endorphins which can lower stress and boost mood. Exercise can also improve insulin resistance, which promotes balanced production of female hormones, and support healthy blood sugar regulation.

      • On Sunday, sit down, review your schedule and find time for movement throughout the week!

When making the transition away from birth control, it can also be helpful to have a conversation with your doctor about getting your hormones tested! This will provide baseline date that you can reflect upon after spending time focusing on naturally supporting hormones!

Here’s what to ask for:

  • Progesterone

  • Estrogen

  • Cortisol

  • FSH

  • LH

  • Prolactin

  • DHEAs

  • SHBG

  • Testosterone


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Coming Off the Pill Part 4: Gut Health