Coming Off the Pill Part 4: Gut Health

Coming Off the Pill Part 4: Gut Support

Supporting a Healthy Gut

Welcome back to part 4 of this series! If you haven’t already, click here to read Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

We all have a unique gut microbiome made up and both good, and bad bacteria. Naturally, our microbiome contains some level of bad bacteria, but what matters most is the ratio between the good and bad. When the good gut bugs/bacteria are depleted, the bad ones start to flourish, triggering a number of cascading effects. That being said, numerous studies have demonstrated the connection between birth control, gut dysbiosis and hormone imbalances.

  • Birth control can influence thyroid function and hormone production.

    • Hormones play an important role in regulating hunger, fullness, menstruation and digestion.

  • Birth control decreases the integrity of your gut lining, ultimately causing inflammation and contributing to leaky gut.

  • The estrobolome is a collection of good bacteria in the gut which play a role in metabolizing and modulating the body's circulating estrogen.

    • Dysbiosis can cause a decrease in the estrobolome which causes more estrogen to be reabsorbed, rather than eliminated via the stool. Constipation can further worsen this issue.

    • Elevated estrogen can worsen PMS symptoms, as well as causing heavy, prolonged and irregular menstruation.

How to support gut health:

  • Aim for 25 grams of fiber each day

    • If fiber intake is currently low, it is important to slowly increase fiber over time!

  • Include 1 - 2 probiotic rich foods daily such as kefir, yogurt, kimchi, miso, kombucha or sauerkraut

  • Focus on plant diversity, aiming for 30 different plants each week

  • Practice daily stress management

  • Slow down while eating and focus on chewing food adequately before swallowing

Stayed tuned for part 5!


Coming Off The Pill Part 5: Lifestyle + Testing


Coming Off The Pill Part 3: Liver Support