Coming Off The Pill Part 2: Supplements

As we discussed last week, birth control pills deplete key nutrients that our bodies need for optimal function. Prior to coming off the pill, it is important to start replacing these nutrients. This can help minimize some of the common post-pill symptoms!

A quick note before we get started - While supplements can be beneficial, and are something I commonly utilize/recommend, they should not be replacing a healthy, well balanced diet! Diet + lifestyle modifications should always come first. Remember, you can’t out supplement a crappy diet!

**Although this post is directed towards those coming off the pill, these same recommendations would also apply to anyone currently taking any type of hormonal birth control**

Now let’s get started!

Supplement nutrients commonly depleted by the pill…

Omega 3

  • Birth control can be inflammatory so it’s important to focus on reducing inflammation through both dietary modifications and supplements.

  • Fish oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which has anti-inflammatory benefits within the body.


  • This mineral is very commonly depleted by birth control!

  • Zinc nourishes ovarian follicles which are essential for normal ovulation. It also helps support immune health, metabolism function, and healthy skin.


  • Magnesium is involved in over 300 bodily functions. It helps to reduce muscle soreness, maintain healthy blood pressure, reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality and regulate bowel movements.

  • It also helps to support healthy detoxification, reduce period pain and regulation ovulation.


  • Selenium is essential for healthy thyroid function. Thyroid function is key to maintaining hormonal balance and regulating energy levels.

  • Foods high in selenium: 1-2 Brazil nuts per day

  • I do not generally recommend supplementing with selenium as it can be toxic at high doses.

B complex

  • B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins needed for stable energy, healthy ovulation, liver support + detoxification, and blood sugar control.

  • They can also help to reduce PMS symptoms.

Spore Based Probiotic

  • Compared to other probiotics, spore based probiotics are gentler on the stomach and more resistant to pH changes!

  • Probiotics are essential for the excretion of estrogen and healthy skin!


Coming Off The Pill Part 3: Liver Support


Guide to Coming Off Birth Control: Part 1