Meet Julie

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First off, welcome to my blog! I thought an obligatory introduction post was due and what better place to share then here!

So let's get started!

Why did you become a dietitian?

There’s so many reasons behind this. First and foremost, I realized at a young age just how impactful my diet could be on my overall health. Being heavily involved in sports, I came to appreciate food as fuel and saw how it could help or hinder my performance.

While I appreciated the importance of good nutrition, I also fell to believe the fallacy that health is defined by a number on a scale. The belief that ‘healthy eating’ is all about discipline and deprivation left me feeling lost an confused. While pursuing my undergraduate in nutrition, I realized just how confusing and misleading all of the information online was. Seeing influencers and celebrities promoting crazy diet schemes and unrealistic body goals made me want to show up for those who have been misled and deceived by diet culture. Opening a private practice has allowed me to share my passion for nutrition with others. And most importantly, it’s provided me with the opportunity to promote and support the idea that we can feed and nourish our bodies while simultaneously meeting our health goals.

What are your favorite foods?

This is easy, popcorn, cauliflower and ice cream [you can ask my fiancé, he’ll vouch for me].


Least favorite foods?

Rice (especially brown rice), pork, sour cream & mayonnaise.

Favorite kitchen gadgets?

Popcorn machine, espresso maker and, most recently, my air fryer!

Favorite cuisine?

I love all Mexican food. Tacos, margaritas, and most importantly, guacamole.

Favorite type of exercise?

Cycling and hiking. My fiancé surprised me with an Echelon bike a year ago and I’ve ridden almost every day since. It’s kept me sane throughout the pandemic! I also love to hike but unfortunately that’s a bit difficult based on where I live geographically. During the summer months, I also enjoy a good run with the pup.


Morning or night person?

Morning! I wake up most mornings by 5:30 am. I stay up later then I should but I’m definitely most productive during the morning/afternoon hours.

Favorite type of vacation?

Hmm that’s a hard one! In the ideal situation, I would say one tropical beach trip and one hiking/adventure vacation each year!

What’s your biggest fear?

Clowns, and snakes! But aside from those two, my biggest fear is disappointing or letting others down.

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled too?

Thailand 100000%. If I could move there, I probably would.


Now that you know a bit about me, tell me a fact about yourself below! :)



Holiday Favorite Biscotti