Does My Body Need a “Detox”?

You most likely have heard the term “detox” thrown around on social media. Often it’s in relation to expensive cleanses, restrictive diets & supplements. The truth is your body is very well-equipped to eliminate toxins. Where we start to see a problem, is when our toxic burden surpasses our bodies ability to eliminate toxins. So let’s talk about how we can reduce this burden and support our body’s natural detox pathways!

Our body has its own detox system!

Detoxification, by definition, is the process of removing toxic substances, in this case from our bodies! Our liver, kidneys, gut, skin, and lungs are all powerful detoxifiers. Your body's detox pathways working 24/7 to keep you alive. That being said, just because we have a built-in detoxification system doesn't mean it's always working the way it should be. Sometimes those detox pathways need a little extra support.

What is our body detoxing from?

The word “toxin” can take on many different meanings. Toxins fall under two main categories: internal toxins and external toxins. Internal toxins are naturally produced in the body when we use energy to build tissues and cells. External toxins come from outside of the body that are either ingested or absorbed into the body such as mold, heavy metals, chemicals, and environmental pollutants.

The accumulation of internal toxins and external toxins is referred to as the toxic burden. The goal, is to reduce our toxic burden as much as we can. There are two things everyone can do to reduce toxic burden in the body:

  1. Reduce overall exposure

  2. Support natural detox pathways

Reducing Overall Exposure

  • Filter your air & water

  • Opt for organic food when available

  • Use clean body care & home cleaning products

  • Address moldy environments

  • Address EMF sensitivity

Support Natural Detox Pathways

  1. Focus on eating more whole-foods and less ultra-processed options - Certain foods (like cruciferous veggies) can help this complex system run more efficiently.

    • Broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, berries, garlic, onions, leeks, artichokes, green tea etc.

  2. Improve gut health and the gut microbiome - Your gut is your immune system’s first line of defense, and plays an important role when it comes to eliminating toxins.

  3. Drink 8 glasses of filtered water per day

  4. Move your body, better yet work up a sweat - Not only does your body release toxins through sweating, but exercise also supports detoxification through increased circulation and improved digestion!

  5. Eat enough protein - Adequate protein is needed for phase 2 detoxification.

  6. Supplement appropriately and use trusted sources when purchasing supplements.

While restrictive cleanses + supplements can be appealing, a healthy diet + lifestyle are far more effective when it comes to detoxification!

Written By: Julie Balsamo + Rebecca Russel


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