5 Simple Tips to Reduce Bloating
Bloating isn’t fun, and can often be quite uncomfortable. Ready to say goodbye to belly bloat? Try these 5 simple tips!
Chew your food
Digestion starts in the mouth! The more thoroughly you chew your food, the easier it is for your body to break down and digest it. Food should be an applesauce consistency by the time you swallow.
Limit carbonated beverages
Fizzy, carbonated drinks contain gases that build up in the stomach. Sodas & beverages with artificial sweeteners can also cause gas and bloating!
Walk after meals
Movement helps to release excess gas and can provide quick bloating relief! Try walking 10 - 15 minutes after eating.
Sip on peppermint tea
The natural oil found in peppermint relaxes the gut, moves gas from the digestive tracks and helps to relieve intestinal spasms!
Keep a food journal to identify trigger foods
Food intolerance are often the root cause of bloating. For those who frequently experience bloating, it can be helpful to keep a food + symptoms journal like this one!